The Myth of Motivation
We often hear from our clients, “how do I become more motivated?” Whether it’s cleaning the house, parenting their kids, or making the next move in their jobs, people report that they often lack motivation. The truth? Motivation is a myth!
Certainly we experience bursts of energy that cause us to want to take action on that project, set up watercolors for our kids, or deep clean the kitchen. But more times than not, motivation is not a feeling it is a discipline.
This may be evident now more than ever, as we cope with the effects of the pandemic and quarantining (read more about that here). Now, even the most basic tasks can feel like a monumental feat. We may not feel like doing anything other than laying in bed. This is normal! The question is, what do we do about it?
If you are struggling with the discipline of motivation and want to get it back, contact us! We would love to help you.