

The last few months have been full of immense information and a seemingly constant barrage of it. Everywhere we turn, we are inundated with new information about the Corona Virus, the election, protests, and so much more. It can be very overwhelming and unclear how we “should” be responding to these things.

We are encouraged to be mindful, vigilant, aware, educated, but in so doing, it can be difficult to know what is true, where our place is, or what the next step is. Sometimes, the sheer negativity of the news feed can cause anxiety or depression to reach such a height that the next step feels impossible.

So, how can we be conscientious people while also taking care of our own hearts and minds? The answer is: boundaries. While being educated on the things of the world is important, sometimes we also have to put our phone down, or turn the TV off. While watching the news keeps us up to date, sometimes we have to turn it off for the day. While taking quick action to help is sometimes necessary, most often it is more important to take time to research and be thoughtful in our decisions. Sometimes the best way to stay engaged in the world is by saying no.

Our brains are not meant to engage in such negativity over long periods of time without a break to process. Furthermore, if we are riddled with intense anxiety, despair, or depression, our ability to see and act clearly is hindered, and could potentially cause more damage to us and those around us. We are stepping back not just for ourselves, but to be of greater service to those around us.

Need help sorting through all you have experienced these last few months? Unsure of how to set a healthy boundary? Head to the “book an appointment tab” and let us help you!

What Has Changed and What Remains

What Has Changed and What Remains

How to Keep Going When It Feels Like You Can't

How to Keep Going When It Feels Like You Can't